Visual Timers & Schedules

Time Timer from $45.95
Bag Tag Set from $28.95

Colourful, affordable and useful visual timers and supports to help children with special needs (including Autism Spectrum Disorder), teens and adults to develop their communication skills.

We've reviewed and tested a curated collection of fantastic products and resources that support the development of understanding of abstract concepts such as time.

These supports also assist with transitioning between activities more readily, whilst continuing to develop positive behaviour and self-esteem.

In addition to providing calming visual stimuli, our range of visual timers can help during transition times as they provide the ability to judge how much time is left without having to know how to tell time. Great for those who have trouble moving away from a preferred activity or for helping to build up time on a task.

Popular products in this collection include our Time Timer, Children's Toilet Training Chart and the Classroom Planner.

If you have any questions about our visual timers and supports reach out to us, we'll get back to you within 48 hours. Our team includes a qualified Speech Therapist and Occupational Therapy professional who are experienced in using and incorporating these aids into therapy sessions, classrooms or for home use.