Therapy Tips
The end of year holiday period can be a really tough time for children, adolescents, adults and families alike, with lots of change and unpredictable shifts in daily routines. The holidays can be particularly tricky for Autistic people.
- December 13, 2021
We are excited to announce that we are now writing a monthly blog to be featured on the Kiddipedia website!
- October 05, 2021
Recently the idea of using a sensory fidget toy has become more mainstream in Australia and it is wonderful!
- August 03, 2021
By now most of us have heard about the NDIS - but what does it mean for people with DIFFerent abilities and those who support them?
- August 17, 2016
If your child’s school uniform is in tatters from being chewed on, or you’re forever replacing drink bottles, your child may be an ‘oral sensory seeker’.
- April 21, 2015
The end of school holidays often brings mixed emotions for the parents and children we support, who need to turn their thoughts to almost ‘re-programming’ themselves after a long, less structured, out of routine break.
- January 13, 2015
There is no single test for Autism Spectrum Disorder (autism test). The diagnosing professional(s) will utilise special tests and tools designed to detect autism, however this process involves careful observation of the child and discussion with carers rather than something simple like a blood test.
- September 24, 2011